Human Tecar technology debuts in specialised physiotherapy centres

Thousands of private centres use Human Tecar technology and adopt its application protocols. Each treatment belonging to specific treatment itineraries is performed following the operative criterion developed by the Scuola Internazionale Human Tecar®.
 Each and every therapist who uses our technology has participated in dedicated training courses and many of them have gained the “Human Tecar Specialist” qualification. However, each application is performed under the responsibility of the individual doctor or therapist.

Human Tecar therapy. Nothing is left to chance.

Sottoporsi a una terapia fisioterapica con la tecnologia Human Tecar può richiedere anche tempi brevissimi. La durata delle sedute e lo sviluppo dell’itinerario terapeutico dipendono dalla situazione patologica del paziente. Esistono trattamenti di pronto soccorso, trattamenti di cura, trattamenti di mantenimento e trattamenti di prevenzione .

Trattamento di Prevenzione e Mantenimento Human Tecar® In the case of acute pain: localised anti-inflammatory treatments lasting 10-20 minutes each are performed.
In the case of a clinically overt condition: intensive therapeutic treatments are performed on areas vaster than the painful region. Each session lasts 20 to 30 minutes.
To avoid relapses and maintain an optimum physical condition: Occasional prevention and maintenance treatments are recommended, each one lasting 30-40 minutes.

Human Tecar treats you like a champion

Each treatment performed in a Human Tecar Centre draws inspiration from the techniques developed in the world of professional sports, where the customisation of the therapeutic approach represents the most efficacious action strategy for keeping athletes practising diverse disciplines, with well-defined physical characteristics, in optimum conditions.

Maratona di Londra 2011: sulla destra Martin Lel, vincitore di tre edizioni; in fase di trattamento Abel Kirui: Medaglia d'Oro Maratona 50 Km Mondiali di Atletica Leggera 2011
Trattamento Human Tecar® nello Sport di alto livello per favorire Elasticità e Flessibilità Muscolare

Patients with the same clinical condition often respond in different ways to the same therapy, which is why the phytotherapy used in combination with our technology is hyper-customised. The techniques adopted are never left to chance and are the fruit of the skill of the practitioner who combines his/her specific knowledge with the most highly-developed manual techniques and the functional products essential for achieving rapid, lasting results.

From one session to the next, the therapist develops a specific plan of action based on the evolution of the clinical situation and, above all, on the response of the patient’s tissues in order to optimise the work strategy and reduce treatment times.

If it isn’t called Human Tecar, it won’t give Human Tecar results.

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