Human Tecar in new, modern rehabilitation physiotherapy in plastic and cosmetic surgery

In recent years, plastic and cosmetic surgery has achieved increasingly important milestones that improve quality of life and provide a satisfactory state of physical and mental wellness. Human Tecar technology has proven a precious aid in this field thanks to its ability to stimulate the self-repair of the tissues.

Applicazioni Human Tecar® per il Trattamento del Viso Applicazioni Human Tecar® per il Trattamento del Viso
Applicazioni Human Tecar® per il Trattamento del Viso Applicazioni Human Tecar® per il Trattamento del Viso

Before and after plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures

When used in the postoperative physiotherapy programme, it speeds up the patient’s recovery, allowing him/her to return to everyday life faster.
Human Tecar also provides excellent support before surgery thanks to its ability to revascularise the tissues, to promote the ideal condition for dealing with surgical stress.

Preliminary treatment also helps prevent a number of typical post-operative effects, such as the formation of oedema and haematoma.

The lifting effect

By increasing the lesser circulation, the hypervascularisation of the deep layers of the dermis, the reactions stimulated by Human Tecar technology act as a complement to face lifts.
 The tissue’s inner density is greater, whereas on a superficial level the skin appears tauter, more toned and radiant.

Anti-cellulite action

On the one hand, our technology, when associated with manual physiotherapy techniques, stimulates the lesser circulation and consequently drains excess liquids and sooths inflammation. 
 On the other, it boosts deep vascularisation, thereby also increasing the internal temperature and stimulating natural enzymatic processes that help loosen the nodular formations that cause the “orange peel” effect, the most obvious and unsightly aspect of cellulite.

Sezione di Cute interessata da Cellulite Stessa sezione di Cute dopo trattamenti con tecnologia Human Tecar®