Human Tecar. New, contemporary veterinary physiotherapy for large and small animals

Following the trends of human physiotherapy, Human Tecar is now revolutionising veterinary medicine and physiotherapy for the treatment of a great many painful conditions that affect the most common domestic animals.

Large animals

Human Tecar is used successfully in veterinary physiotherapy, particularly in equestrian sports. Competition horses need to recover fast so they can get back to competing.
 Thanks to contemporary physiotherapy supported by Human Tecar, many horses with muscle, osteoarticular, ligament and tendon disorders have achieved a rapid functional recovery.

Il Servizio Ufficiale di Fisioterapia Human Tecar® durante la Competizione Equestre 'Toscana Tour 2011' La tecnologia Human Tecar® adottata da numerose scuderie Italiane ed Internazionali
L'equipe del Dott. Vet. Alessandro Centinaio, responsabile del servizio di pronto intervento nell'ambito del Global Champions Tour 2011 Il Dott. Vet. Gianvito Lattanzio, consulente Unibell affiancato da uno specialista Human Tecar® Roberto Gottarelli - Veterinario: 'Grazie alla Tecnologia Human Tecar® è possibile dare un’efficace aiuto pre-gara ed abbreviare significativamente i tempi di recupero post-gara'.

The usefulness of this new type of veterinary physiotherapy goes far beyond cases of accidents. When applied regularly:
• it prevents clinical conditions
• it improves competition performance
• it helps horses to recover from fatigue.

Small animals

There are a great many cases in which the reactions induced by Human Tecar technology provide relief from suffering for our four-legged friends: muscular contractures, osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, postoperative oedema and vertebral disorders are just a few of the disorders that can be rapidly resolved by introducing our technology into veterinary rehabilitation practice.

Trattamento Human Tecar® su Animali di Piccola Taglia Trattamento Human Tecar® su Animali di Piccola Taglia